Dental emergencies can strike at any time, often without warning, and can involve significant pain or discomfort. Knowing how to handle these emergencies can not only alleviate pain but also potentially save teeth that might otherwise be lost. This guide provides detailed instructions on what to do in common dental emergencies until you can get professional treatment.
Understanding Dental Emergencies
A dental emergency can be any situation involving the teeth, gums, or jaw that requires immediate attention. Common examples include severe toothache, knocked-out teeth, chipped or broken teeth, abscesses, and bleeding gums. These situations require prompt action to prevent further complications, such as infection or long-term damage.
How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies
Toothaches. Toothache can be debilitating and is often a sign of underlying issues such as cavities, gum disease, or exposed tooth roots.
Immediate Actions: Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it out. Gently use dental floss to remove any food caught between your teeth. Do not put aspirin on your aching tooth or gums; it may burn the gum tissue. If the pain persists, contact your dentist immediately.
Professional Care: Your dentist will determine the cause of the pain and may initiate treatment such as a filling, root canal, or extraction depending on the cause.
Chipped or Broken Teeth. Accidents can cause teeth to be chipped or broken, exposing sensitive nerve endings.
Immediate Actions: Save any pieces of the broken tooth you can find. Rinse the mouth and the broken pieces with warm water. If there’s bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to the area for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. Apply a cold compress to the outside of the cheek to reduce swelling.
Professional Care: Treatment will depend on the severity of the break. If a large piece of tooth has broken off or the tooth has nerve damage, a more complicated repair may be needed.
Knocked-Out Tooth. A knocked-out tooth is one of the most serious dental emergencies, but the tooth can often be saved if you act quickly.
Immediate Actions: Pick up the tooth by the crown (the part that is usually exposed in the mouth) and rinse off the tooth root with water if it’s dirty. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. If possible, try to put the tooth back in place, making sure it’s facing the right way. If that’s not possible, put the tooth in a small container of milk (or water if milk is not available).
Professional Care: See a dentist as quickly as possible. Knocked-out teeth have the highest chances of being saved when returned to their socket within 1 hour of being knocked out.
Abscess. An abscess is a severe infection that occurs around the root of a tooth or in the space between the teeth and gums. Abscesses can damage tissue and surrounding teeth, and the infection can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated.
Immediate Actions: Rinse your mouth with a mild salt-water solution (1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of water) several times a day to ease pain and draw the pus toward the surface.
Professional Care: The dentist might need to drain the abscess and will likely prescribe antibiotics to help fight the infection.
Lost Filling or Crown. Sometimes fillings or crowns fall out, which can be painful because the exposed tooth tissue is often sensitive to pressure, air, or hot and cold temperatures.
Immediate Actions: If a crown falls out, save the crown and bring it to your dentist. If possible, slip the crown back over the tooth. Before doing so, coat the inner surface with dental cement, toothpaste, or denture adhesive to help hold the crown in place.
Professional Care: See your dentist as soon as possible. A lost filling may need to be replaced with a new filling or a crown.
Preventing Dental Emergencies
While not all dental emergencies can be avoided, you can minimize your risk by:
Wearing a mouthguard during sports.
Avoiding chewing ice, hard candies, or other hard objects.
Using scissors, not your teeth, to cut things.
Dental emergencies can be distressing, but knowing how to handle them can make a significant difference in outcomes. Always have the contact information for your dentist readily available, and do not hesitate to seek professional help. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene can help prevent emergencies or catch issues before they escalate into serious problems.